No Hope


NO HOPE Songbook: Volume 1

The NO HOPE Songbook: Volume 1

Scissortail Press, New York City
© 2015 NO HOPE Productions

Available through limited release.

The Release Party

An evening to celebrate the release of our first ever book of music containing 15 songs written between 2003 and 2013. Performances by Patrick Newton, Giuseppe Bausilio, Tom Deckman and SIREN. With music by DJ Executive Realness.

Tuesday, January 13, 7-9pm
Therapy NYC
348 W. 52nd Street

The Project

Since we started writing, we’ve been asked time and again for sheet music by people wanting to sing our songs for auditions and their own shows.  Sadly, only a tiny fraction of our music is currently scored as it is a complex, costly and time-intensive process.

We are pleased to report that we now have a concrete plan to fix this We have selected some of our most popular songs for the creation of a NO HOPE Songbook.

Following a wildly successful Indiegogo campaign that raised the full $5,000 necessary to complete this project, we have begun work with a professional music copyist to score 15 songs. That’s over 1,000 bars of music, roughly 150 pages, all which will be transcribed, typeset, formatted and proofread by several people.

The Impact

The really amazing aspect of this project is –with something like The NO HOPE Songbook, we’ll at long last have the ability to send our music to everyone from Marin Mazzie and Kelly Clarkson (or well maybe their agents or managers if they’re lucky enough to take our calls) to choir teachers across the Midwest (many of whom may also not take our calls).  But really, who doesn’t want a YouTube clip of the Liberal High Show Choir in Kansas singing “Farewell September”?

As an added bonus, this project will ultimately have the capacity to provide NO HOPE with our first non-show related income, ensuring many future productions to shock and amuse you.  That’s like that delicious sugary drizzle on a 2,000 calorie Cinnabon.

The Donors

This project would not have been possible without the generous support of our following project donors:

NO HOPE ($1,000+)

Jim and Judi Schneider


Christopher Catino


Joe Barnes
Christopher Bowen
Scott Cool
Bizzy Coy
Neal Davis
Desiree Flores
Tomi Foust
Patricia and Gary Kauk
Leslie MacKrell
Dawn and Paul Magyar
James McNeel
John Ort
Thomas and Carol Ort
Tobias Recken
Matt and Anne Schneider
Russ Reed and Steve Sensenich
William Seward


Amy Augustino
Brandy Burre
David Doan
Elisabeth Halliday
Bill Hatfield
Liz Huber
Robert McMaster
Shanna Sharp
George Stavropoulos
Miranda Wylie


Philip Accorso
Christian Bester
John Clum
Michael Cooper
Daniel Dawdy
Anita Gabrosek
Audra Jones
Olivia Keister
Nick Konyer
Anthony Pone
Sean Quinn
Thomas Randall
Melissa Teitel


Michael Hicks
Patrick Newton
Marc Sinoway
Mike Siudym
Allie Smith
Joe Therrien
Mike Voyles
Zach Worthington

Indiegogo Campaign

Click here for campaign page!

© 2023 NO HOPE Productions, All Rights Reserved.